Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Secret to Increase YouTube Views : Sentiment Search

When trying to increase your YouTube views, there’s a lot of advice out there. It usually includes: you have to know your customer; use demographics as a marketing tool to increase YouTube views. This is a great advice, and you are probably already working on it.

Critical to reaching the right audience, demographics is the ‘who’. For instance you want to reach Country Club women. Do you want the rich people, the ladies who lunch, golfers, those who live around the golf course? You have to be as specific as possible to get views from the right people. And wouldn’t it be nice to have some live input from them?

Well, move over and make room for Sentiment Searching.

If demographics is the ‘who’, Sentiment Searching is the ‘why’. Sentiment Searching is software that gathers data from social media sites. You’ve seen the results of Sentiment Searching posted as stars, thumbs up/down and the comment section on various sites, such as hotel, movie, and restaurant sites. Note to self: Disposable income with an opinion!

You could use a box that comes up, survey-like.

Not bad, but there is nothing like big red, orange or yellow stars and thumbs to tell you to get busy. Find out what the talk is on the street, get the buzz. To accomplish this you need data from social media sources. Data from rating tools already on some business sites is probably gathered manually. Forget all that work. Use tools that quickly increase YouTube views for you.

The Sentiment Searching data, when rated, will tell you if your video is interesting, has good information, if it’s clear with good product positioning. It will also tell you if it’s ugly, unclear about your product or not reaching the right audience. Let’s say you are promoting that same Country Club for recreation and as a venue for events.

Does your video give a panoramic view of the facility, those locker rooms didn’t look so hot, what kind of food do they serve in the restaurant; and, by the way, my daughter wants to get married outside, where’s the lawn?

By analyzing votes and/or comments, you ‘hear’ what the customer thinks of the Country Club, your message, and positioning. Fix your video; reach as many of your buyers as possible. You may even be able to have a reciprocal link from your site to a florist, a Bridal shop, a sports store, limo service. You would reach more viewers needing related services. Links to reach your audience that helps to increase YouTube views via electronic referrals!

Notice how your demographics have changed and are now working to increase YouTube views for you. Your viewers are still the Country club set, but you have added mothers and daughters making wedding plans, business people planning a company Christmas party; someone planning an all night poker tournament, and a lot more tee times.

Sentimental Search software is available now, and evolving. Buy why bother now? Because if you don’t, someone else will get your customers. This software is at the cutting edge of web search. It allows you to experience the ideas, ‘hear’ the sarcasm, and everything in between.

This opinion mining calculates all those emotions en masse. The opinions are measured against what is positive, negative or neutral. It’s a fit for your YouTube site because the catalyst is that YouTube and the software are both socially oriented. The Sentiment data is gathered from blogs, comment pages, bookmarks, Q&A sites, audio and visual. As a comparison, what’s more social than YouTube?

Of available software, one product is called SocialMention. It searches social media outlets and divides the results by strength, passion, top users, reach, and key words. With this software, power users can set up e-mail alerts, and download the results in a CSV/excel file for comparisons and reference work.

Twitter Sentiment is also available, and came out of Sanford University as a Natural Language Processing project. There are two specifically cool functions included. One is that you simply type in a word related to your product and information comes back to you as a chart, with good and bad highlighted. Two is that you can use your Google account to save the results and track them over time.

There are many other companies with Sentiment Searching software available. These products up the ante. When your competitors use it, and you don’t, you are going to be left behind. Their videos get more views and reach your customers

There’s a lot of chaos out there, tame it and find out what the world is talking about. It may not be you!